What I Offer

Unlock your full potential with holistic training that enhances your physical abilities and nurtures your overall well-being. With a background as a physiotherapist and a competitive athlete, I understand the importance of a balanced approach to fitness and overall health. My journey in sports has taught me the value of mental and physical strength, and I bring that holistic mindset to my personal training practice. Whether you’re looking to enhance your athletic performance or simply lead a healthier lifestyle, I’m here to guide you every step of the way, combining science-based techniques with a focus on sustainability and long-term success.

Get Stronger & Fitter

Improve Recovery

Reduce Injuries

What You Can Expect

  • Trainerize app access for individualised online programming by a 2X Olympic athlete, physiotherapist and personal trainer

  • Targeted strength & conditioning as well as recovery workouts depending on your needs

  • Workout and progress tracking through the app

  • Exercise demonstrations through the app

  • In-app messaging for Q&A's with myself 

  • Video call check-ins to review progress

  • Video technique feedback 

  • Nutritional guidance

  • Bonus educational guides and more

(Other packages including online live sessions may also be available upon request)

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